If you have a subsidized federal loan, the government will be paying your interest for you while you are in college. If all of your loans fall into that category, then you don’t need to worry about paying off your student loans until you finish college (it’s still wise to spend some time learning about the process of repayment, however).
If your loans aren’t all subsidized, then all the interest accrued on any unsubsidized loans while you were in college will be “capitalized” (added to your principal) when your payments become due. This means that you will be paying interest on a higher amount after college. We’ll talk more about this in a minute, but for now, know that if your student loan interest is capitalized, you will end up paying more in the long run.
If your loans aren’t all subsidized, then all the interest accrued on any unsubsidized loans while you were in college will be “capitalized” (added to your principal) when your payments become due. This means that you will be paying interest on a higher amount after college. We’ll talk more about this in a minute, but for now, know that if your student loan interest is capitalized, you will end up paying more in the long run.
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